2022 Idea Exchange Extravaganza
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On Wednesday, November 9th we are hosting the IDEA EXCHANGE EXTRAVAGANZA in the exhibit hall from 2:45pm - 4:15pm!
We need YOUR IDEAS for the extravaganza! There will be three small stages around the exhibit hall - one for each level (ES, MS, HS) - where you and your school counselor colleagues will be sharing your ideas and resources in 5 or 10 minute presentations! Perhaps you have thought about presenting at the fall conference but you’ve been unsure, the IDEA EXCHANGE EXTRAVAGANZA is a great way for you to dip your toe in the presenting pool!
Maybe your conference proposal was not selected this year (because there were so many amazing proposals), yet there is still a part of your presentation you would like to share - then share it at the IDEA EXCHANGE EXTRAVAGANZA!
Or you have a small group activity, a book you’ve used successfully in a lesson, an advocacy conversation that has worked, or a useful resource that will only take 5 or 10 minutes to share instead of a full hour, then share it at the IDEA EXCHANGE EXTRAVAGANZA! Registration for the Conference is required to present your idea.
Sign up by the deadline extedned to Monday, October 17th at 11:59 pm.