Dr. Wayne Huey Past Presidents’ Scholarship 

Dr. Wayne Huey’s legacy serves as an example of what humble and steadfast leadership can help build for a state and for a profession. GSCA can credit many of its founding operating documents to Dr. Huey as he worked alongside other past presidents and members to develop early versions of the bylaws and the handbook, which guide the association. Wayne was someone past and a few present GSCA leaders, experienced as earnestly and kindly encouraging them to pursue involvement and leadership. He knew it took many to get the job done so he sought future leaders out for the skills they could bring to the table.

To the larger profession of school counseling, Dr. Wayne Huey is most notably known for co-authoring the original ASCA Code of Ethics for School Counselors and several editions of texts on the topic. Perhaps more notable for us in Georgia, or perhaps more resonant these days, is his earlier work in Dekalb County. While in Dekalb, he was a teacher, coach, and counselor for 37 years. In 1979 Dr. Huey completed his dissertation from Georgia State University; the topic, peer-based assertiveness training for Black adolescent males. This research was based on peer-led groups he facilitated at his schools. He continued to publish on this work for a period of years as well as other peer-led groups, including some for adolescent fathers. To date, in Georgia State’s library, at least 7 of these publications can be found, and copies of his ethics books are still in print.

In that light, this scholarship aims to connect the past with the future. A key element will be to connect recipients with past presidents of GSCA. Our hope with this scholarship is to also emphasize some of the things Dr. Huey embodied during his career. 1. A commitment to student agency and equity. 2. A dedication to the school counseling profession. 3. The nurturing that is required for leadership.


Promote professional identity, leadership, and encourage engagement and membership in GSCA, all with a core focus on equity. Distribute equally among graduate programs across years, one-time award. Connecting new professionals with GSCA past presidents.



Students in any of the following Master’s in School Counseling programs in good academic standing according to the institution. Students may only apply ONCE during their program. *(Clark Atlanta will have an additional opportunity to apply because it is a 3-year program). These were the programs available at the time of the writing of the proposal.

  1. Albany State
  2. Augusta University 
  3. Clark Atlanta* 
  4. Columbus State 
  5. Fort Valley 
  6. Georgia Southern
  7. Georgia State
  8. Mercer
  9. University of Georgia
  10. University of West Georgia
  11. Valdosta State

2024 Timeline:

July 1: Announcement and promotion of scholarship; Scholarship portal opens on GSCA website
September 1: Scholarship deadline (portal closes)
September 15: Awardees notified by email
September 15-20: Awardees announced 
September 23: Awardees’  Conference registration deadline 

Application Process:

Components: Written statement and introductory video

The statement should answer two questions in a total of 250 words combined (approximately 1 page). Applicants should use a 12-point font and submit a typed PDF document. Statements will be reviewed for both content as it answers the question and quality of writing. Detection of AI generation will be included in the review of the statement.

Question 1: How do you envision yourself enacting the roles of leader and advocate as a school counselor in your first year?

Question 2: Outline a brief professional development plan for yourself for the next three years. Include information about what topics, areas, or skills are important to you. How might GSCA be a part of your professional development plan?

Applicants will also submit a 1-2 min introductory video presenting their name, university, practicum or internship site, school level, and why they have chosen the school counseling profession. Videos will be reviewed for content and the applicant’s ability to clearly present themselves. Creativity is appreciated where it is intentional rather than an add-on idea.

Proof of current enrollment/ active status/ academic standing in one of the above-mentioned schools is required. 

Applicant statements, video and proof of enrollment will be uploaded to the GSCA portal by the deadline. No late admissions will be accepted.


Scholarship Review Committee:

The Huey Scholarship Review Committee shall be made up of several positions within GSCA leadership, including the Graduate Student Liaison, Counselor Educator Director, Counselor Educator Liaison, and any other leadership member or other committee member they deem appropriate given the background and purpose of the scholarship. There should be at least four members of the committee and potentially a number that allows for each application to have two independent reviews. Conflicts of interest should be avoided, and committee members should not review applications for applicants with whom they are familiar (e.g., students whom they teach).

Members from the founding scholarship committee will offer to work as ad hoc members of the first review committee to help develop a checklist, rubric, or other review document for the first round of applications. Although the committee will start the review with some basic assumptions of content and quality, we will use the first round to establish norms for the review process. To encourage trustworthiness and reliability, an interrater coding process and reviewer bracketing for bias will be used. From the first review forward, the committee will have a document to use for future reviews, which should be revisited, and, if necessary, revised at least every three years to ensure viability and sustainability based on the purpose of the scholarship and the pool of applicants.


Up to $500 per recipient, to include:

  • 1 year GSCA student membership
  • 1 year GSCA professional membership
  • Conference registration 
  • Travel stipend 

Requirements of Awardees:

Attend Annual GSCA Conference 

Attend an event with GSCA past presidents at conference

Lifespan of Scholarship

The number of recipients and stipend amount will increase/decrease based on funding.

There should not be a limit to how many qualified graduate students could be awarded the scholarship if the funding is available.