Committee Duties and Responsibilities

The Advocacy Committee

  1. Understands the position of the GSCA leadership in regard to issues important to the Association.
  2. Informs GSCA membership of impending and in-process legislation through the Association Management Company.
  3. Encourages legislators, Board of Education, government officials, and other influential groups to support legislation that promotes issues related to school counseling.
  4. At a minimum, provides quarterly reports to the GSCA President and Executive Board to inform them of legislative and to verify priorities.
  5. Maintains contact with the State Department of Education and other educational organizations to stay updated on pending and in-process legislation related issues.
  6. Represents GSCA at various legislative or educational events (including educational conferences of stakeholders), as requested by the President. 


  1. Encourage GSCA members to join ASCA.
  2. Promotes development and implementation of a comprehensive counseling program that aligns with the ASCA National Model and would support schools applying for RAMP.

CKES Chair

  1. Coordinate the Counselor Keys Effectiveness System outreach and training efforts throughout the state.
  2. Work collaboratively with Advocacy co-chairs and Lobbyist to promote statewide usage of .

Mentoring Chair

  1. Recruits veteran counselors who will serve as mentors.
  2. Conducts training of mentors using the approved GSCA Mentoring Handbook.
  3. Assigns mentors and supervises the program.
  4. Solicits names of new and inexperienced counselors who might benefit from having a mentor.

Professional Development Chair

  1. Plans professional development opportunities for members

Professional Recognition Chair

  1. Solicits selects awards committee and supervises of winners.
  2. Notifies all nominees of results.
  3. Coordinates recognition of state winners, including notification in writing of conference procedures for recognition.
  4. Communicates with ASCA and coordinates submission of state winners to ASCA.

Service Project Chair

  1. Works with the President to identify a service project.
  2. Facilitate participation and/or donation by members.
Beacon Editor
  1. Prepares and emails reminders of deadlines to Leadership Team prior to the deadlines.
  2. Collects and edits articles submitted for publication.
  3. Selects other materials to be used in each issue.

Social Media Editor

  1. Reviews postings to GSCA social media and monitor for compliance with social media use policy.
  2. Evaluate GSCA social media participation and recommend/implement utilization of emerging platforms.
  3. Post to GSCA social media and facilitate dialogue using those platforms.
Graduate Student Liaison
  1. Communicates with Georgia Colleges and Universities with Counselor Education Programs regarding GSCA membership and programs for Graduate Students.
  2. Promotes GSCA membership information to Graduate Students.
  3. Collaborates with the Counselor Coordinator/Educator in promoting graduate student recruitment and membership, and participation in GSCA.

New Counselor Liaison

  1. Facilitates networking, support knowledge among new counselors
  2. Creates programming designed for new counselors

Past Presidents Advisory Council (PPAC) Liaison

  1. Conducts PPAC meetings at least once a year to discuss matters pertinent to the Organization.
  2. Submits ideas and recommendations to the Executive Board regarding organizational and professional issues.

Retired Counselors Liaison

  1. Solicits conference proposals for Retired Counselors at Annual Conference.
  2. Promotes GSCA membership among retired counselors.
  3. Develops a membership recruitment plan for retired counselors to assist in recruiting new members.

Counselor Coordinator/Counselor Educator

  1. Provides feedback to GSCA leadership and membership regarding state and national trends in counselor education programs, supervision, and local and state counseling issues.

Elementary, Middle AND Secondary Liaisons

  1. Works to enhance public awareness of the role of the level school counselor.
  2. Collaborates with Advocacy Chair regarding action that impacts school counseling.
  3. Promotes professional growth and development among level Professional School Counselors.
  4. Collects information on work setting issues to share in articles in selected Beacon issues.

Rural Counselors Liaison

  1. Builds a strong network among rural counselors and encourages active involvement in GSCA activities in order to elevate profession in rural areas.

Region Liaison

  1. Keeps the area Director informed of Region activities, needs, and accomplishments.
  2. Communicates with region counselors.
  3. Consults with counselors in to identify concerns and needs.
  4. Facilitates a meeting at Annual Conference for Region members.
  5. Schedules and facilitates a winter and/or spring Region meeting and plans programs to meet Region needs.
  6. Promotes membership in GSCA.

Career/Postsecondary Liaison

  1. Keeps the leadership team and membership abreast of and postsecondary issues
  2. Consults with business/industry professionals on school counseling related topics
  3. Consults with postsecondary institutions on school counseling related issues