2025 Call for Proposals
The Call for Proposals is Open
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Do you have innovative ideas and strategies to share with your fellow counselors throughout the state? Why not present a program at the 2025 Annual Conference in Macon, November 12th-14th. Submit a program proposal today!
This year’s theme is This year’s theme is "School Counselors - Helping Students Rule Their Experiences".
School counselors play a vital role in empowering students to take charge of their academic, social, and emotional journeys. As we prepare for this year's conference, we are seeking dynamic and engaging proposals that highlight innovative strategies, best practices, and impactful programs that help students navigate and thrive in their educational experiences.
We invite educators and school counselors to submit proposals that align with our theme, focusing on topics such as:
- Academic Success Strategies: Innovative approaches to college and career readiness, closing achievement gaps, and supporting diverse learners
- Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) & Mental Health: Programs and interventions that foster resilience, emotional regulation, and well-being in students
- Equity & Inclusion: Strategies to create inclusive school environments and advocate for all students, particularly those from underrepresented backgrounds
- Engagement & Leadership: Ways to empower students as leaders, self-advocates, and active participants in shaping their educational experiences
- Collaboration & Partnerships: Effective ways to engage families, educators, and community stakeholders to enhance student support
We welcome proposals from school counselors, administrators, educators, and mental health professionals who are passionate about equipping students with the tools to 'rule' their experiences. Let's come together to share insights, inspire change, and strengthen our impact in the lives of students.
Deadline to submit your proposal: April 30, 2025
Acceptance decisions emailed to submitters: Late July
For questions regarding proposal content, please email proposal@gaschoolcounselor.org.
For general conference questions, please email info@gaschoolcounselor.org.
What Information Do You Need to Submit Your Proposal?
Proposals are submitted through ProposalSpace.com. For new users, please create an account. For returning users, please update your existing account rather than create a new one. All users, be sure to add proposalspace.com to your email list of safe entities. It is important that your ProposalSpace account be correct: the email address Proposal Space uses to send you important messages about your proposal (acceptance, scheduling) is stored in your user profile, not what you list in the proposal submission. To update your email address in your account profile:
- Please log in to your ProposalSpace.com account
- Click your name in the top right-hand corner
- Click "Edit My Account Details" on the right-hand side
- Update and click "Save Changes" at the bottom of the page
- For assistance with resetting your password or other edits to your account on on ProposalSpace contact support@proposalspace.com.
- For questions regarding proposal content, please email proposal@gaschoolcounselor.org.
- For general conference questions, please email info@gaschoolcounselor.org
For information on how proposals are evaluated, please download the Evaluation Rubric
Presenter Registration Policy
GSCA places a high value on the skill and expertise of its presenters and views their participation as integral to the success of the conference. GSCA strongly encourages presenters to attend and participate in the entirety of the conference. As such, all presenters are required to register for the conference.
Individuals who have not registered and paid for the conference, or submitted an appeal to the Content Chair, by the Early Bird registration deadline are subject to removal from the conference schedule.
Additionally, Presenters who do not show up for their scheduled session and do not provide notification to the Content Chair or President may be subject to barring from future programs.