Build School-Based College Preparation Supports with a College Application
Event Details
Recent research from ACT has highlighted the importance of school-based college preparation supports for students and their self-reported preparedness for college. Specifically, students said they wanted more information to assist them with college applications and more direction on how to prepare their application materials. The American College Application Campaign (ACAC) is a national effort to increase the number of students pursuing a college degree or other higher education credential. In 2022, more than 5,100 schools hosted a college application event supporting close to 300,000 students, who submitted approximately 960,000 applications. Hosting a college application event at your school is an impactful way to address student needs around the college application process. Learn from the national ACAC team and a school counselor at an ACAC School of Excellence what a college application event is, resources available to support you in hosting a college application event at your school and how you can help remove berries that prevent students from applying to college.
Learning Objectives:
After viewing the webinar, you will be able to:
Explain the importance of hosting a college application event
Describe how to engage with your state’s college application campaign
Develop a timeline for implementation of a college application event at your school
Access resources and effective practices to host a college application event at your school
Melissa Caperton, myOptions Encourage
Lisa King, Director, American College Application Campaign, ACT’s Center for Equity in Learning
Angela Jenkins, M.Ed., College & Career Counselor, Freedom Senior High School, ACAC 2022 School of Excellence – Virginia
Nov. 1, 2023, 12-1 p.m. Eastern
Please Note: Registration is not required. The video will air live on Nov. 1, 2023 at 12 p.m. EDT.
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