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Project Nurture: Virtual Research Symposium

Friday, July 17, 2020
10:00 AM - 1:30 PM (EDT)

Event Details

Georgia State University College of Education and Human Development
and Project NURTURE Partners
Douglas County School System, Fort Valley State University, Middle Georgia State University

When was the last time you laughed out loud? Are you weary from: transitioning curriculum and visual messaging, searching for rich on-line resources and digital applications, and tutoring yourself learning about virtual platforms to keep students engaged? Bottom line: do you think anyone notices or even cares about tireless efforts to serve students and families? WE DO!!!

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then why not take time to be NURTURED by experts?  You are invited to participate in NURTURE’s first Virtual Research Symposium, designed with strategies for reflecting, refreshing, and redirecting both energies and resources.  WHY NOT INVEST IN YOURSELF?

What is Project NURTURE? The acronym NURTURE represents a Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP) grant, also known as the Network of Urban and Rural Teachers United for Residency Engagement. The symposium is hosted by Georgia State University and grant partner University of Florida (CEEDAR:  Collaboration for Effective Education, Development, Accountability, and Reform).

The 3½-hour program features national, regional, and local speakers focusing on a variety of time-sensitive topics.  A keynote speaker will be followed by sets of morning and early afternoon concurrent sessions.  A few focus areas include, yet are not limited to, Trauma and Informed Care; Executive Functioning; Rural Connectivity and Outreach; Literature’s Representation of Young African American Males; Digital Apps to Extend Learning Options; and Virtual Services Offering Care and Support for Special Education Students and Families.

Attending the symposium is FREE, yet registration is mandatory in order to receive the detailed digital program along with secured links to access sessions on the symposium date, July 17th.  There will also be a variety of resources posted prior to the program, for participants to access in preparation for engaged conversations.

Your questions and comments are always welcome.  Thanks in advance for holding July 17th. Please accept this gift from the NURTURE Team for a self-care initiative to energize yourself and upgrade your program.


Norma Green, Ph.D.
Director Project NURTURE
Office of the Dean
College of Education & Human Development
Georgia State University