Student Voice: The Importance of School-based College Preparation Supports
Event Details
New research from ACT highlights the importance of school-based college preparation supports for students. College-bound students from the class of 2023 were recently surveyed to understand their self-reported preparedness for college in four areas: academic, social, personal and financial preparedness. ACT identified factors important to students’ self-reported factors and gathered information from students to understand what college preparation supports they wish their school had provided to help them better prepare for college. Learn what recent high school graduates are saying about college preparedness and insights into ways schools can better help college-bound students prepare for their transition from high school to college.
Learning Objectives
After viewing this webinar, you will be able to:
Identify how prepared college-bound students from the class of 2023 reported being in the areas of academic, social, personal and financial preparedness
List the factors important to students’ preparedness
Identify what top supports students reported wanting access to at their school
Explain potential opportunities to help college-bound students at your school prepare for the transition from high school to college
Melissa Caperton, myOptions Encourage
Joyce Z. Schnieders, ACT
Becky L. Bobek, ACT
Oct. 18, 2023, 12-1 p.m. Eastern
Please Note: Registration is not required. The video will air live on Oct. 18, 2023 at 12 p.m. EDT.
Click here for more details.